Toys are an important part of a child’s growth. However, between the souvenirs, the hand-me-downs, the birthday gifts and the Christmas surprises your child can easily have too many toys. Any parent who has ever had a little one knows how partial and inconstant children are. One minute, they will love one toy and the next they have put that down in preference for the newest and shiniest toy.
Removing old or broken toys is a great way to help keep your kids safe and to keep the toy pile down. There are many ways to go about it but one sure bet is to periodically remove toys that are no longer needed. You can get a rubbish removal service in Chatswood to help get the job done. Here are four reasons why you should always get rid of broken toys:
Broken toys can harm your kids
Toys with things like cords and strings worked into their structure can detach after breaking. String and cords can pose a hazard as can internal packing materials made of styrofoam or polystyrene. It is also important to keep an eye out for any sharp edges or pieces that could come loose.
Don’t forget to check on battery-operated toys as over time batteries can leak and cause battery acid to leak into or on the outside of kids toys. When this happens the best thing you can do is throw it out.
Kids will not play with broken toys
You may notice that kids get bored with their toys once they break. They may go back to them every once in a while if the toy was a favourite, however, kids will likely start to dislike a toy when it breaks. Disposing of the toy keeps the child safe since the broken toy is no longer in their way.
You create room for more toys
Getting rid of old and broken toys gives your child an opportunity to play with newer ones. It allows you room to buy more and different toys for them. Besides, you create space in the house that was otherwise occupied by toys that are not in use.
You get a cleaner home
If your kids always leave the house messy with their toys, one way to control the mess is to make sure that there are not broken or unloved toys left lying around. Taking the time to go through the toy collection and pick out any unwanted toys will mean a cleaner and tidier house, well maybe just for a split second!
How Cheapest Loads of Rubbish can help
The team at Cheapest Load of Rubbish understand that throwing out unwanted toys can be a traumatic experience for some children. School holidays are a great time to assess what toys do or do not get used. Once the kids go back to school call in Cheapest Load of Rubbish.
We can help you with any old or broken toy rubbish removal. The best part is that we are fast! Have old toys removed in the blink of an eye with the help of our experienced team. We hand load all of your homes rubbish to our truck so you can ensure all of your waste is removed without disrupting the daily home activities.
Don’t forget that we can also help to remove any old furniture or home rubbish and garden waste if you need help, just ask!