Whether you’re renovating or your old carpets have simply seen better days, knowing when and how to get rid of those old carpets is crucial. While technically, old carpet can be sent to landfill in your regular rubbish bin, that doesn’t mean it should be – and in fact, carpets have a large variety of complex fibres that make it hard for them to break down naturally. And of course, when you dispose of old carpet, it’s usually in bulk, so it wouldn’t fit in your bin anyway.
While you could wait for curbside pickup by Council if your area offers it, carpet can get in the way, and it can actually present a hazard if it’s left lying around on the property. As such, you want to make sure it’s removed as fast and easily as possible. Here’s what you need to know about disposal of your old carpets.
Why You Should Dispose of Old Carpet ASAP
Carpets are a haven to filth. From the harmful chemicals that go into the manufacturing process, to dust and dust mites, dead skin that accumulates over the years, bacteria of all kinds, fleas and animal faeces and fur, and many other allergens. And the older they are, the more likely your carpets are to fall apart, which means this filth is then becoming airborne. These chemicals alone can have a huge impact on health:
- Phthalates are commonly used for the backing and can impacted reproduction and development
- Antimicrobial chemicals are used to protect against mould and bacteria, but it can cause skin and eye irritation
- Flame retardant keeps you safe in a fire, but the chemicals have been linked to cancer, obesity and lower IQs, among others
- Stain repellent protects carpets from unsightly spills, but is considered toxic
Aside from the chemical exposure risk, your old carpets can also get in the way, so it’s simply not worth keeping them.
How To Dispose Of Old Carpet
Check For Take-Back Schemes
Some carpet manufacturers offer take-back programs which allow carpets to be returned so they can be recycled into new carpets. To take part in these programs you need to have purchased the carpet with them in the first place.
Sell Or Donate It
If your carpets are in good condition, you have a few choices. You could choose to sell it – listing it on Marketplace or a local social media page and see if anyone is looking for carpet for a great price. Alternatively, you should consider donating your carpets to a non-profit organisation. They can then on-sell them to someone who may not be able to afford new carpets themselves.
Recycle It
Although there are no specific recycling plants in Australia for carpets to be recycled, you can still find a way to do so, and many smaller recycle centres have means to ensure carpets are not thrown to landfill. There are also some manufacturers that have their own recycling capabilities, such as Interface, who have a ReEntry program that ensures your old carpets are used in other ways. By hiring a professional rubbish removal in Sydney company, you can rest assured that if the carpets can be recycled, they will be.
Reuse It
Provided the carpet is in good condition, you can re-use it for another part of the home or property. If you’ve pulled the carpet from your lounge or dining area, why not use it to create a more comfortable floor in the kid’s cubby house? Or you could use it as a mat in your workshop or garage space. Carpets are also great to use in the garden. They make a great mulch or soil cover and if made from wool, they’re completely biodegradable. Old carpets can also be used as insulation, noise absorption and for your car floors.
Choose Cheapest Load of Rubbish For Carpet Removal
It doesn’t matter what kind of waste you have; Cheapest Load of Rubbish is here to assist you with your disposal needs. By hiring a professional company to take away your old carpets, you’ll save time, energy and potentially save money as well. Cheapest Load of Rubbish will dispose of it in the best way possible, either taking it to a recycle centre that accepts carpets or donating it to a local charity. We employ a long-term, sustainable approach to waste removal that is designed to benefit future generations.
We have plenty of means and contacts that can help, so get in touch with Cheapest Load of Rubbish if you have old carpets you want to get rid of.
We also specialise in all other types of Sydney rubbish removal and we’re available to work with you for same-day results. If you want to know more, get in touch with your team for a free, no obligation quote for rubbish removal in Sydney.